Kreativ Blogger

Wow! A blog award from Fiona at the I am delighted. Thanks Fiona. It was a lovely surprise and has come with new visitors who are welcome.

So the rules are; nominate six blogs that you believe deserve this award and also list six things that you like.


Here are 6 blogs I enjoy The title says it all but they do flowers as well. Living a wonderful life in Italy she gives you a real taste of life out there I like the way she is trying to live life, making things, cooking and growing her own. Something a bit different and a bit retro. Normal life and lots of lovely pretty things. an enjoyable read from someone who is interested in extending their family of livestock. A writers co-op who have a wonderful outlook and bring a variety of views on simpler living.

I like;

Walking up the hill with the dogs every day and seeing how the world around me has changed and is ever changing with the seasons of the year. The hills and the trees, the birds and the animals in the fields, a continually changing palette of colour and life as the year wanders its way across our lives.

Good red wine. Well not always good, just red wine will do.

Being a Mum and a Grandma (I know – go on say I look too young 🙂 )

Being creative even though I cannot draw one tiny little thing.

Being so lucky to be happily married after many years.

Being in a quiet house

10 thoughts on “Kreativ Blogger

  1. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much – I’ve never had an award before. I’ll get my head round it just as soon as my jaw gets back in place. When that happens, I’ll also check out your links. Loved the list of the things you like.

  2. Hello – what a surprise!

    I found you via your my site stats and see you’ve given me an award. Now I have a whole new blog to get to know 🙂

    And of course I’ll have to get my thinking cap on re the 6 things I like and who to pass it on to.

    Many thanks and have a lovely weekend!


  3. I too was looking at my stats and saw that there had been one click on my blog to this site. I was very confused and have searched my blog trying to figure out where it is in my blog to click.

    I am new to wordpress so maybe I am missing something?

  4. Hi again
    Not sure but it mabe bacuse someone followed a link from my blog to citymousecountryhouse and then onto you Or if you have random links active under your posts wordpress try to match related blog titles??
    I put a link to vegplotting in my blog hence it appearing on his page.

    Anyway hello to the blog!

  5. I had not been to city mouse’s blog in years until I saw it on your list here. Everything happens for a reason. I know the fella that has that blog and was thrilled to find him again.

    It shows up under my links clicked on my blog. hmmm oh well.

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