Llandeilo market


Llandeilo has lived a sleepy existence for some years and yet it must have been a thriving market town in it’s day. Market street was alive with traders under a canopy that kept the days worst around the soggy edges.

Traders in cheese, pasties, preserves chutneys and cakes all jostled for trade. The people came locally and from other towns to see the crafts and foods on offer. I can only say an old fashioned and yet somehow modern market took the stage.

We worked along side a stall selling goats milk fudge, chocolate and cheese. In turn we shared a tent with a cows milk cheese family and a cake stall. Behind us were coffee, sausages and preserves. We all froze together as the sky gave forth every now and then.

Through market street were cheeses (our Dutch neighbour from Brecon), pickles and chutneys (our vegetarian pasty buyer from Brecon), a wonderful oriental food stall, another pasty and pie stall and an ice cream maker.

The thermals helped but I think a vest and gloves may follow!

2 thoughts on “Llandeilo market

  1. Your Market sounds so interesting. Did you get to taste the Goat’s milk fudge and chocolate. Tom would have loved those as he really likes the various cheeses. It would have been nice to visit the market armed with loads of pennies and thick gloves!
    Wendy (Wales)

  2. Hi again Wendy
    We did taste the fudge – the lady running the stall very kidly gave us lemom and lime fudge – very, very nice. They made chocolate snowmen hand finished by her Mum and family which looked fantastic.
    Thick gloves a must!
    Thursday evening for Llandeilo market I will be wearing extra layers.

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